
small-smll logo1The Board of The I Think I Can Foundation consists of five local community members:

Suzan Stremelphysician’s office manager

Jerry Stremel, retired college professor

Karla Dwyer, pharmacist

Mark Whitney,real estate business owner

Micki Miller, retired

 As we try to emphasis, the Board does not choose the children or the families who need help.  We do not profess to fully know the situations these children endure, but we do expect the school teachers and administrators to be informed. We are simply the facilitator between the schools and the community.

 We rely completely on the schools to designate, distribute, and determine the needs. The Foundation provides the food for the pantries at each school, but we rely on the school personnel to distribute the food. The Foundation will supply clothing to each school, but the teachers will designate which items are needed. The Foundation will supply OTC medication to the school nurses but the nurses will dispense as needed. The Board, again, will consider any request and we will try our best to answer.

 Solicitations are usually in the form of a bi-annual newsletter. The newsletter is sent to donors on a mailing list that is revised throughout each school year. Programs presented at local organizational meetings will generate additional income, as well as funds sent in by persons who have just “heard about us” and want to help.