Over one-half of the children in our Kirksville, Missouri school district are eligible for the government’s Free or Assisted Lunch Program. What is less known is that a large portion of these same children rely solely on the breakfast and lunch that they receive at school – they have no access to an evening meal.
A few citizens became aware of this unacceptable situation and decided something had to be done – thus began the I THINK I CAN FOUNDATION.
The foundation soon learned that the needs of the children are not always food – needs include clothing, hygiene items, medical supplies and office visits, sometimes even extra-curricular activities. The Foundation feels that its success is due to the fact that the members do not choose the children who are helped. Each and every one of the children is the pick of his or her teacher, administrator, nurse, or counselor. The Foundation does not assume to know these children or their family situations – they are assured that the schools do.